Quinny Li is an optimistic leader who believes in self-sufficiency, research, and problem-solving through teamwork. She appreciates others who take initiative, and she tends to eschew hierarchies, understanding that both veteran and novice perspectives provide different yet valuable insights and ideas. Originally from Chengdu, China, known as the home of the Giant Panda, Quinny was initially drawn to the field of Data Analytics because of its reliable, fact-based nature. “I was never fond of making decisions based on feelings. Data is what it is. It never lies.” She earned a Bachelor of Business Administration in Advertising from the University of Georgia, then a Master of Science in Marketing Analytics from the University of Maryland before embarking on a professional career in marketing. She got her foot in the door as a Digital Marketing Analyst, where she first experienced the responsibilities and satisfactions of working with analytics professionally. Now rooted in Denver, Quinny joined Booyah’s in early 2021.
As Director of Analytics at Booyah, Quinny collaborates closely with the Senior Analyst and other Channel Directors to address all aspects of Analytics. She’s responsible for the wide variety of services Booyah offers, from reporting and advanced analytics to fulfilling client requests regarding tracking set up and data validation. Her work requires clear communication and a sharp, focused presence. She’s a first-responder of sorts, always ready to tackle any issue with speed and efficiency. “When there’s a problem to solve concerning analytics or media, I’m the first on the scene.” Always interested in learning, Quinny makes a point of teaching others in turn, supporting team members with her own knowledge and experience. She takes pride in the depth and diversity of analytical support Booyah offers. “We’re always on the front line, ready to help clients with analytics challenges.” When she’s not crunching data, Quinny enjoys the wealth of outdoor activities in Denver, including skiing, hiking, and rock-climbing.