Landing Page Tips for Selling Services

Landing Page Tips

According to metrics from Word Steam, the average conversion rate for users visiting a landing page after clicking on a PPC ad is around 2.35 percent. However, the top ten landing pages that pull in the most conversions see a rate of 11.45 percent.

Now that we’re well into 2017, it’s more important than ever to build landing pages for any service you are trying to sell. The data shows that conversion rates don’t have to be astronomical for a business to see a tremendous return on its investment. However, if a landing page is poorly built, your ROI will be next to nothing.

Use these tips to develop a landing page that effectively sells your services.


First and foremost, you absolutely must develop a landing page that is compatible with mobile devices, from smartphones to tablets. Quite simply, if your landing page does not work on mobile, the campaign will not be successful. Mobile usage is higher than it’s ever been and it will only increase over time. Launching a mobile-friendly landing page is a surefire way to engage your audience.

Show and Solve the Problem

Your services fix a problem, but some people might not realize they are facing this specific issue.

Your landing page must identify this problem while also demonstrating how your service will solve it. It’s imperative that the landing page addresses the aches and pains your target audience deals with and shows these users how your service is the cure-all they’ve been waiting for.

The One-and-Only Amazing Solution

Not only does the landing page have to cover the problem and its solution, it has to prove just how amazing your solution is compared to what your competitors offer. While you absolutely must use stunning images to get this message across, incorporating a well-produced video into the mix can also really help drive home your point.

It’s Show, Not Tell

Research from Hubspot reveals that using a video on your landing page can increase conversions by 80 percent. 

If the landing page gets too wordy, people are going to click away before they inquire. However, including a video on your landing page can be an effective strategy during this particular campaign. Show your audience how your service is as amazing rather than going on and on about it in the text.

Further Reading

Every so often, a visitor to your landing page will want to read more about service. These deep researchers will want to see additional sources, such as blog posts, that prove that your service is the answer to their problem. Provide these links toward the bottom of the page so that they are available, but not required reading for interested leads. You should also include links to your social channels so users can see what others are saying about your brand.

Don’t List Price

You never know what someone’s budget is, and you don’t want a number to be the reason a potential lead did not contact you. Make it as easy as possible for landing page visitors to reach you, and give them multiple options for doing so, such as email, chat, social channels, and a phone number. Once you’ve got their attention and interest, you can reel them in with a sales call and then let them know the price.

Having strong landing pages is step one. Step two is getting people to your page. Let Booyah help drive paid traffic to your landing pages today!

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